Here, the massive river Amazon, outlet for thousands of tributaries which could, depending on conditions, all flood simulataneously, turning this huge waterway into an incomprehensible torrent, beyond imagination. So huge is the waterflow at times that the river completely obliterates it's banks and defines a completely new course for itself .
Raw nature.
This is what the early human, as it emerged from millions of years of evolutionary changes, had to contend with. A natural environment that defined it's life and could, at any moment, end it.Nature has no designs, feelings, will or purpose. It is ,rather, an everlasting,evolving process.
Nature, that all powerful force, at times could exhibit forces well beyond the comprenesion of mankind , for even the forces exhibited on thias small planet of ours are but breezes to the tempest that continues to evolve in outer space.
All consuming fires raged, tossed down from the violent skies.We live, if we could only get our minds around it, in a cosmic shooting gallery which could end our planet's existence in a split second.
Somewhere in the recesses of the brain of those which we have evolved from, an electrical tributary burst into new territory, giving this creature the ability to 'control' it's life to some extent. Perhaps it came , as was suggested by Sir Arthur Clarke's book, '2001- A Space Odyssey' the moment the ape first grasped onto and raised, in anger, an animal's dried leg bone above it's head.
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